piątek, 2 marca 2012

Chikara Pro "Caught in the Spider's Den","A Death Worse Than Fate"-Results

o = Winner/Ganador/Gewinner/Gagnant/Kachi
x = Loser/Perdedor/Verlierer/Perdant/Make
"Caught in the Spider's Den"
2.26.2012 @ NYWC Sportatorium
(Long Island, NY)

1. x Francis Kipland Stevens (7:23 ~ "Demon's Toilet") Kobald o

2. o Scott Parker & Shane Matthews {W} 
(10:23 ~ Elevated Spear)
Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti {L} x

3. x Archibald Peck (11:35 ~ Small Package) Ophidian o

4. o Gran Akuma (9:46 ~ Tornado Clutch) Chuck Taylor x

5. x Saturyne (7:15 ~ Royal Butterfly) Sara Del Rey o

6. o UltraMantis Black (14:57 ~ O'Connor Roll) Colt Cabana x

7. o Mike Quackenbush {W} & Jigsaw & Fire Ant & Soldier Ant 
(18:52 ~ Disqualification)
Tim Donst & Jakob Hammermeier & Obariyon {L} & Kobald x

CHIKARA Grand Championship:8. o Eddie Kingston (10:23 ~ "Backfist to the Future") Vin Gerard x

"A Death Worse Than Fate"
2.25.2012 @ The Goodwill Beneficial Assoc.
(Reading, PA)

1. x Green Ant (10:49 ~ Cobra Clutch Death Grip) Ophidian o

2. o Saturyne (6:42 ~ Springboard Huracanrana) El Hijo del Ice Cream x

3. o Dasher Hatfield {W} & Mark Angelosetti 
(9:41 ~ Disqualification)
Fire Ant & Soldier Ant {L} x

4. x Jigsaw (8:36 ~ Running Liger Bomb) Brodie Lee o

5. o Colt Cabana (8:11 ~ "Billy Goat's Curse") Kobald x

6. x Eddie Kingston & Scott Parker& Shane Matthews & Greg Iron {L} 
(19:01 ~ Rear Naked Choke)
Tim Donst {W} & Jakob Hammermeier & Obariyon & Kobald o

7. o Sara Del Rey (16:29 ~ Royal Butterfly) Archibald Peck x

CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match:8. x UltraMantis Black {L} & Hallowicked 
(Primera Caida in 7:35 ~ Schoolboy by Icarus on Hallowicked)
(Segunda Caida in 7:37 ~ Yakuza Kick by Hallowicked on Icarus)
(Tercera Caida in 4:39 ~ Lateral Press by Icarus on UltraMantis)
Chuck Taylor {W} & Icarus o

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